Monday 2 July 2007

Home is where your heart is

Last weekend I spent in Kwakwani. There was a youth conference, so I went with a youth team from church to help. The road to Kwakwani is rough, you have to travel 2–4 hours in a (mini)bus packed with people (16). It’s a sandy road and once the bus got stuck in the mud so the guys had to push. When we came back there was a tractor that took us over a difficult part.

I found my house in Kwakwani. It’s light green (typical for Guyana), one floor (not built on poles because it’s on high ground), around the windows they had simply painted a few bricks in white and then there were some bushes and flowers around it. It looked really nice; although it’s difficult to explain it (did not have the camera when I was out walking). But no, I’m not staying in Guyana, but if I would come back to live here, that would be a nice house to live in. I didn’t realize it immediately, but our house in Koivulahti is also green – so I guess mum would feel at home when she came to visit me;) Oh by the way – I hope you didn’t misunderstand my last writings. I do not have a Guyanese boyfriend!

This is my last week. I’m going to enjoy it. I’m getting more and more accustomed to life here. The weekend with my friends also added to the feeling. It felt like I got to know my Guyanese friends better (Omodelah, Karlene, Eworth, Sean, Rushell and Shellon, I like to use names when writing my blog since some of you know the people). Since I feel that I have received a lot here in Guyana, I was glad to be able to give back something to other youths and to be ministering together with the team. But still I feel good about coming to Finland. Mum said that the blueberries should be ripe when I’ll get home – a small detail that gives you memories… However, I won’t admit that I would be missing home. But I don’t think you either have time to miss me;) Proof: nobody commented last week’s writings. So maybe I’ll stay anyway… hmmm… but I already bought the ticket from Guyana (leaving 9th of July)… I’ll come and visit Finland... (I better stop writing before you really believe I’ll stay here).

Thanks to everyone who has done this trip possible for me! I’m enjoying myself and the trip has done good to me! Next time I’ll write I might be on Barbados.


Anonymous said...

hejsan vännen!
Jag sitter på jobbet och väntar på att en Western ska bli färdig och på att få semester nästa vecka, särskillt efter att ha läst din blog! Måste dock ha mycket gjort innan jag reser iväg till Spanien så det blir inte att ligga och lata sig denna vecka (heller). Hoppas du kan njuta av den lite kyligare Finska sommaren när du kommer tebax. Massa nya äventyr här också det kommande året! Om du behöver hjälp med flytten är det bara att ringa mej!

Anonymous said...

Roligt att du kommer hem! Jag är på jobb nu, trots att det är lördag. Idag regnar det för omväxlings skull. Har varit varmt en vecka, typ 25 grader, men du skulle väl inte kalla det varmt längre. :) Ha det bra!


Anonymous said...

Tervetuloa Suomeen taas.. toivotaan että saadaan vähän lämpösempiä ilmoja ettet ihan palellu! :) Pass Hiidit pelattiin tänään iloisesti reippaassa sadesäässä.. mut mukava joukkue, ni ei se menoa haitannu. Harmi, kun et ollu mukana! Semifinaaliin asti päästiin, mut aina ei vaan voi voittaa :) Nii ja häihin en oo vielä oikein ehtiny panostaa, mut vielä ehtii.. ohan täs kesää vielä jäljellä ;)