Monday 16 July 2007


The Finnish summer smells nice, I concluded when stepping out of the plane in Vaasa. I was welcomed by mum, Guyana-Lena and Maz. Lena, who had read my blog thoroughly, handed over a unique bouquet. Instead of flowers it consisted of blueberries, cloudberries and wild strawberries – lovely. When reaching home mum prepared me a nice meal – grilled salmon, new potatoes with sour cream and a nice Greek salad. And to prove that I still (also) am Finnish – I had a sauna. When coming back one enjoys things that are typical Finnish and feel familiar. I’m enjoying the beautiful Finnish summer.

Wednesday 11 July 2007

Mission accomplished

I've left Guyana and found my way to Barbados. Today I've dared to enter the water, altough more aware of possible sharp rocks hiding in the sea.... Wish I had somebody to share my time with here. Tried to call a family member living in Barbados, but I had really difficulties understanding his English (!!) so I'm not sure about the result of the phone call:/ Tomorrow I'll leave Barbados. At 17.40 on Thursday I'll reach Vaasa (if you don't reach me on the phone it's because it isn't charged enough). It's a little bit strange to soon come back to this other world. Although I left my heart in Guyana, I feel alright with coming home to Finland.

Monday 2 July 2007

Home is where your heart is

Last weekend I spent in Kwakwani. There was a youth conference, so I went with a youth team from church to help. The road to Kwakwani is rough, you have to travel 2–4 hours in a (mini)bus packed with people (16). It’s a sandy road and once the bus got stuck in the mud so the guys had to push. When we came back there was a tractor that took us over a difficult part.

I found my house in Kwakwani. It’s light green (typical for Guyana), one floor (not built on poles because it’s on high ground), around the windows they had simply painted a few bricks in white and then there were some bushes and flowers around it. It looked really nice; although it’s difficult to explain it (did not have the camera when I was out walking). But no, I’m not staying in Guyana, but if I would come back to live here, that would be a nice house to live in. I didn’t realize it immediately, but our house in Koivulahti is also green – so I guess mum would feel at home when she came to visit me;) Oh by the way – I hope you didn’t misunderstand my last writings. I do not have a Guyanese boyfriend!

This is my last week. I’m going to enjoy it. I’m getting more and more accustomed to life here. The weekend with my friends also added to the feeling. It felt like I got to know my Guyanese friends better (Omodelah, Karlene, Eworth, Sean, Rushell and Shellon, I like to use names when writing my blog since some of you know the people). Since I feel that I have received a lot here in Guyana, I was glad to be able to give back something to other youths and to be ministering together with the team. But still I feel good about coming to Finland. Mum said that the blueberries should be ripe when I’ll get home – a small detail that gives you memories… However, I won’t admit that I would be missing home. But I don’t think you either have time to miss me;) Proof: nobody commented last week’s writings. So maybe I’ll stay anyway… hmmm… but I already bought the ticket from Guyana (leaving 9th of July)… I’ll come and visit Finland... (I better stop writing before you really believe I’ll stay here).

Thanks to everyone who has done this trip possible for me! I’m enjoying myself and the trip has done good to me! Next time I’ll write I might be on Barbados.

Monday 25 June 2007

Guyanese "Midsummer"

In Finland people have been celebrating Midsummer. Here I have kind of lost sense of time. In Finland the seasons make you aware of time, but now it’s as if I’ve traveled beyond time. I count my time in how much time I have left – 2 weeks.

I have done a lot of walking this week, so I’m pleased. One evening I got company of Anthony, we went all the way to the sea wall and back (4 km? x2). On Thursday I was out walking with Anil Azeez (the one who sings chutney) several hours. He sent greetings to the Finnish team who was here. I think I should do some walking with girls also – on Saturday when I was introduced to a woman she said “You’re Anils fiancé right” – uuups:/ Luckily I can report that Sherry took my out on Sunday.

On Saturday I gained independence. First I went by myself to Burda market and a shop nearby to buy greens, chicken and coconut milk … for my cook up!! So I have actually cooked Guyanese food! Carmen and Elsworth were away this weekend (only the young people and granny in the house…) so I thought it would be a good opportunity to cook. And I actually succeeded. According to Andre, Eworth, Karlene and Fiona I passed. They said it was good. I still have a few Guyanese judges who haven’t given their report. Miss Hazel who originally told me (through Gunilla) how to make cook up, received her portion on Sunday to carry home (I did it the Guyanese way; after parties people often take home food – this time it was my turn to give away food). And Carmen and Elsworth need to taste…

Saturday I was exposed to a lot of Guyanese culture, besides cooking I attended concerts. Not only one, but two. The youths at churched had arranged “Holy Hip Hop Jump Up” to collect money for a trip to Barbados. So there were a lot of excellent dance performances, nice dramas (one I didn’t, however, understand because of the language), some funny programs and staring guests. I did not need to show any example of Finnish dances nor did I sing any Swedish songs – I only enjoyed myself. Afterwards I went with Karlene and Eworth to this other concert, with familiar names as Anil and Solid Youth (Rondell). The main star was a Jamaican man called Stichie. I hadn’t heard him before but he was good. I would say he sings reggae with influences of for example jazz. He would have been even better if I had heard him before and knew his lyrics.

This was all for the weekly report of Guyanese culture. I wish all my readers a blessed and warm week!

Monday 18 June 2007

Cook Up Cook Out

There were rice, chicken, beef, salt fish, pineapple, bananas, mangos, water melons, coconut milk, carnation milk and much more when three competing teams met for at cooking competition. Group A had the privilege (?) of having a Finnish girl on the team. Fortunately it had some good young Guyanese men as head chefs. The Finn gave her support mainly by peeling, chopping, washing up and running some errands upstairs. After three hours of cooking all the three teams were finally ready for the display and to let the judges do their final evaluation. The first prize went to the Caribbean Crusaders (left photo: Worrick) while group A settled with a second prize (can you find the white girl in the group photo below?). But several have been asking for the Finnish Cook up… let’s see if that could be fixed with a big party…hopefully not scaring the Guyanese from coming to Finland.

The walking has excelled. On Saturday I asked if it’s all right for me to take walks along Russel and Camp Street (daytime). It was. On Saturday I left a note on the table that said which time I left the house and when I should be back and what streets I were going to walk. Elsworth and Carmen never saw my note, but Eworth (who I ran into a few quarters from home) had informed them about my steps of independence. The spoken word was more effective than the written… The walk did well! It was nice to be exercising, working on my tan, exploring the streets of Georgetown, recognizing a few faces…

Friday 15 June 2007

Project 'School' fin(n)ish

Today I said Goodbye and taught my students to say “Näkemiin”. I’ve been saying to people that I have 4-5 weeks left. Yesterday when checking I realized that I’ve only got three weeks and a weekend left! It’s a short time but I’m sure I will experience a lot. People seem to think that I’ve had a lot to do, but actually the pace has been quite good. I’ve finished school at 1 o’clock every day, went home for lunch. So my “working day” has been short. And when there hasn’t been anything at church I’ve mostly stayed at home (maybe good also to relax my foot). But now it is time to meet people!! Yesterday was a really good start for that. Alfred came to see me, but before that we took a (short) walk in the dark evening in Albouystown. He seemed surprised when I wanted to go for the walk and asked if it was ok for Elsworth. As long as I have a body guard there is no problem! And today I asked if I’m allowed to go alone to see them, during daytime, and that was also alright! So I have my plans for next week :) So you who are in Finland and don’t need to think twice before entering the door – remember you are lucky! It’s funny how small walks can become achievements :) But I’m not fed up or anything… it’s good to have goals for next week!

By the way – expect more Guyanese people in Finland. People are for real interested in coming! When talking to Alfred he said that he and Thomasine would start saving money. They are a wonderful couple, friendly and caring. So I guess I need to get a big, nice apartment in Vantaa to have room for all guests from Pohjanmaa and Guyana:) If anyone hears about some big house, just e-mail me…

Sunday 10 June 2007

Back to basics

One week has passed since last time I wrote. On Monday morning I headed for New Guyana School. I’ve been in two classes of Pre Form 1 called Excellence and Integrity. Since Wednesday I’ve been teaching English for them (11 year old children). I’m teaching about two lessons per day. It’s good to get a feeling for how it would be to teaching in Guyana… The rest of the day (until I think I’ve seen enough) I follow the education, like floral arrangements, health science and mathematics. Although they only played games on the math's lesson on Friday, so I guess I need to try to get to see some real teaching (which I think the children will like, they were really eager to present me to the white, male math’s teacher, gosh these children!). During the English lessons we’ve studied some poetry. I would have liked to do some (other) literature, but I need to follow the things they do, so another time :) The teacher warned me that they don’t really like poetry that much; that I could get some complaints, but I guess it’s exciting to have a Finnish teacher so the children have behaved well. I have had a lot of discussion in connection to the poetry, which they have liked… since they don’t need to write. Well, it’s been fun. I do my best to understand what they say (have managed pretty well), but it’s not easy because of the noise (thin walls, fans on). When trying to understand English, and Creole, I rather not have too much background noise. And guess how often that happens in Guyana. But still, I think I have improved a lot in my understanding-Creole-skills, at least I like to say that to myself (it’s always good to be encouraging and keep up the motivation). I’m also preparing Guyanese to come to Finland :) At school we have the word for the day in Swedish or Finnish. My aim is also to teach Elsworth, Eworth, Karlene and others some Swedish, but so far I’ve only had one lesson with Elsworth. And Eworth knows how to say “Tjena!” Next week I hope to be able to report some progress.

Saturday 2 June 2007

Finns returning home

Yesterday the last Finn left Guyana, except for me, but I like to count myself as a Guyanese, or at least Finnish-Guyanese:) To fit in among the rest of the Guyanese I had to get my hair done! The women here take good care of their beauty – almost every week they go to relax their hair or to do some other makeover.

There is a lot I could tell – but I think I save something until when I come home to Finland. (When Bewonne, my hairdresser asked me when I’m going home I answered when sister Carmen is going, but then I realized that she talked about home Finland and I changed my answer to the beginning of July) Well, last Friday we were to Tapacuma (another Indian village) and then came to Georgetown. I got my stitches taken off the same day, which was an experience! That evening I was so tired so I couldn’t do anything but cry. But the wound is healing (by the way it’s closer to 7 cm than 3 cm). It’s now quite dry. But it’s difficult to rest it when you want to do things like walking or dancing.

Last Saturday we got a small feeling for the interior of Guyana. I can tell you that many roads are better than “the road to Quakwani”. Let me just mention words like: sand, rain, empty spare tyre, no breaks, about 20 persons and a minibus (Toyota – they have a lot of Japanese cars here). Let’s leave the rest for your imagination :) But we were pretty relaxed, but we understood why Elsworth didn’t join us :) There was a concert we joined. The main artists were AA (don’t remember his full name), one of the most popular christen artists (singing in hindi style), and Rondell – a rap artist. Great!

This last week we’ve been in Georgetown – good to be able to take it easier. On Monday I’ll go and visit a school where I’ll be teaching (for a few weeks). It’s really good and relaxing to be here. It’s fun to hear what you are doing so don’t be shy to comment my blog or send some e-mail. Soon I’ll go back home (over the church yard) and see if Carmen is done cooking (I think she was making some cook up rice, which includes chicken and coconut). Take care all of you!

Tuesday 29 May 2007

Hard missionary life?

Last week’s Monday the Finnish team went to a small community of about 500 people, called Hauraruni. From Georgetown it’s about one hours drive to Hauraruni. In the 70’s some pioneers came (Philip Mohabir, sister Elma, Elsworh and others) and started with machetes to fight the jungle. Today there’s a childrens home, a bible school and a primary school besides the scattered houses.

We were spoiled in Hauraruni. Sometimes we had three women cooking for us! We got different Guyanese dishes – cookup rice with seasoned fish, roti and curry, choi men and chicken. When Elsworth picked us up on Wednesday he laughed and said that we’ve been experiencing hard missionary life in Guyana.

But we got to do some work too in Hauraruni. Some Swedes has sent a swing and a climbing scaffold. Together with some strong Guyanese men we build these during Tuesday and Wednesday. It was good to be outdoors and to do some use. On Tuesday we also spent some time with the children. We sang songs togheter, played games and just spent time with them.

Hauraruni only got electricity from 6 p.m. and 9 p.m.! But at least I and Jonas got accustomed to the Hauraruni lifestyle as soon as we got there. At 9 o’clock on Monday I was ready for bed. On Tuesday I would have been, but Kencil - a guy in about my age - had invited us to him to listen to some Carribean music. He also taught me some Creole. If some guys try to mess with me I’ll say “I is a bad woman, dun mess wid me, I gun buz yah head” – nice finnish talk, right? They say I sound as a Jamaican – at least it’s better than to sound as a Finn.


It took us 4 ½ hours to reach to the Indian village Wakapao. The trip included a bus trip to Parika, from where we went with speed boat to Supernam, a lunch break in Henrietta and then an interesting speed boat trip to Wakapao. We drove in a small kind of canal or river surrounded by mangrove trees, after the landscape changed to swamps. We pasted some children in canoes coming home from school. I was amazed about people living so far away from civilization. Finland has been helping to build a church there and a small clinic, which they really appreciate. The Indians live a simple life. I think it has to be a great culture shock to come from Wakapao to Georgetown – maybe bigger than to come from Finland. We spent only a few hours in Wakapao with the Amerindians. We had to leave as long as the sun was up. Before we left we got to taste some coconut milk - nice!

Monday 21 May 2007

Team arriving to green Guyana

There was a blackout last afternoon when I was writing, so I hadn’t time to write about Guyana. We arrived on Saturday to a very hot and humid Guyana. It’s much more green and warm than I remember. The world championship in cricket took this year place in the Carribean, just before we came. They had some games in Guyana too. Me and Gunilla noticed a lot of good changes due to that, new roads, a lot of cleaning has been done, new houses, malls and restaurants.

We were welcomed at church with roti and curry – nice!!! I’m staying with pastor Elsworth and Carmen Williams, with whom I lived last time also. It has been so wonderful to meet a lot of friends and people I know. Yesterday we all went to church, at 8 a.m. Jonas commented “You don’t need to go to disco – you can come to church” There is a lot of dancing in church – great! (Well, I tried to take it easy with my foot) In the evening we were to the sea wall with other young people from Guyana. A lot of people go there to hang out, especially Sunday eves. We walked along the wall (that the Dutch once built).

In a few minutes we’ll be heading for Hauraruni. There’s a childrens home we’ll visit. We’ll be back on Wednesday. We’re all good and enjoying ourselves (so far as Lena said)!

Sunday 20 May 2007

Sunny Barbados

"Where are you going?", the Barbice taxi driver asked again. "Just Home", we replied. He laughed when he understood it was the name of the guest house we were going to. Three days we relaxed on Barbados. The sea is so relaxing!!! If you're stressed you should come here. The water is just perfect. We swimmed and floated around for hours in the warm water. (Gunilla in the water on picture above). Like Moomin Dad explored the sea, I discovered that the sea actually had a changing character. In the afternoon it was gentle - big waves rolling in. In the mornings it was more playful, and maybe more dangerous... On Friday I had a bit of a adventure. I was enjoying the sea, floating around on shallow water. I had seen a small rock in the sea and thought I should watch out for it. But silly me wasn't careful enough. Suddenly I felt a pain like somebody cutting quickly with a knife over my foot. I jumped out of the water, Lena run for help while me and Gunilla tried to stoop my foot from bleeding. The stone had cut a about three cm long wound. It was sewed with eight stiches. Gunilla ensured me that he did a good work, although it did not seem so good at first when an old lady patted the wound with a small wadding. I was afraid she wasn't going to clean it more. Luckily it turned out that she was only a nurse and soon my doctor came in - a relaxed and humorous young man;) I guess the Finnish doctors are usually quite formal and don't tend to make jokes while operating... My foot is supposed to be recovering well. The wound wasn't deep and I believe the doctor made a good work. On Friday I'll go to get the stiches taken away. It hasn't been hurting.

Thursday 10 May 2007

Lost in Vantaa

It isn’t always easy when the small town girl tries to go the big city. I woke up at 4 a.m. today, heading for Vantaa. I got luckily off the train at Tikkurila railway station, waited for my bus more or less patiently with a warming cup of tea in my hand. I jumped on the bus and thought that I’m getting good at this; finding my way easily in this new town. Suddenly I realized that the bus seamed not to be turning where I expected it to turn, it just continued to drive along Kehä III… But maybe it would turn soon… or not… hmmm…

I ended up taking a taxi from Myyrmäki to Helsignin pitäjän kirkonkylä, arriving almost an hour later than planned to the countryside part of my home town to be. But better late than never I got to meat my class. The pupils asked “Varför tog du inte buss 55?” Well, I tried…

I’m looking forward starting to teach grade five and six, and the children seamed to be sweat (aren't children often easy to love?). Some guys reported about a floor ball team I could join – I guess I don’t need to be scared for not having anything to do in my spare time. In August I’ll move to Vantaa, but before that there are other adventures!

Monday 2 April 2007


The plane tickets are bought and almost payed - I'm heading towards Guyana on Tuesday the 15th of May 2007. I'm leaving Finland with Gunilla, Lena, Mona, Patrick and Jonas. Before we enter Guyana we're going to rest on Barbados: sun bathing, having fun, getting to know each other, getting used to the time change... On Saturday the 19th we land on Guyanese ground. Together we're going to explore Guyana for two exciting weeks. The Finns leave me on the 31st... so in June it's only me and the Guyanese ;) Or who knows - maybe you will come and visit me? ;) I'll take good care of you! Feel free to comment by blog - in Finnish, Swedish or English. I'm writing in English (if I don't change my mind) since I have both Finnish and Swedish speaking friends and family and since some letters are difficult to write on Guyanese keybords... Welcome to share my journey:)